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MathsNZ Resources
- Louise Towers ran sessions for middle school students in the UK. This is what she had to say about these resources:
We decided to do something based on geometry because of the differing backgrounds. As you can see its not IT based. Partly a sign of the times when we did it, but also I think its good to have something to take home to show and talk about to family.
We were also not in our classrooms but in a Middle School room with students from different schools and so with differing backgrounds. I haven't changed anything recently - I see a reference to OHP!!!!!!
None of the activities are new - anyone who has been around a few years will know them - all I have done is type them up.
For the tangram the students started with the square and the instructions were read aloud - they had to listen and mark on their blank square.Cirlce Use Word Doc Cirlce Folding PDF Hexaflexagons OHP Word Doc Hexaflexagons Use Word Doc How to Make Origami Shuriken Use Word Doc Mobius Use Word Doc Squares Use Word Doc Tangram Use Word Doc Tangram[1] Use Word Doc - Thomas Evereth and I have had some great fun pulling together this simulator for the Monte Carlo method for estimating pi...
Simulator Link